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Mid-sized farmhouse gray one-story concrete fiberboard exterior home idea in Atlanta
lisa furey interiors
lisa furey interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars71 ReviewsView Profile

Palmetto Bluff Cottage/Design Studio, SC

Farmhouse Exterior, Atlanta

Our goal on this project was to create a live-able and open feeling space in a 690 square foot modern farmhouse. We planned for an open feeling space by installing tall windows and doors, utilizing pocket doors and building a vaulted ceiling. An efficient layout with hidden kitchen appliances and a concealed laundry space, built in tv and work desk, carefully selected furniture pieces and a bright and white colour palette combine to make this tiny house feel like a home. We achieved our goal of building a functionally beautiful space where we comfortably host a few friends and spend time together as a family. John McManus

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