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Inspiration for a large timeless master white tile and subway tile mosaic tile floor bathroom remodel in Charleston with shaker cabinets, white cabinets, marble countertops, blue walls and a drop-in sink
Linda McDougald Design | Postcard from Paris Home
Linda McDougald Design | Postcard from Paris Home
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars32 ReviewsView Profile

Palmetto Bluff - Private Residence

Traditional Bathroom, Charleston

This lovely home sits in one of the most pristine and preserved places in the country - Palmetto Bluff, in Bluffton, SC. The natural beauty and richness of this area create an exceptional place to call home or to visit. The house lies along the river and fits in perfectly with its surroundings. 4,000 square feet - four bedrooms, four and one-half baths All photos taken by Rachael Boling Photography

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