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Small trendy light wood floor and brown floor bedroom photo in Seattle with pink walls
Provanti Designs, Inc
Provanti Designs, Inc
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars32 ReviewsView Profile

Precious Place

Contemporary Bedroom, Seattle

It was time for a new style for this teenager’s bedroom. She desperately needed more room for clothes while dreaming of a grown-up room with drapes and a velvet bed. Too busy with teen life to focus on working with a designer, her mother offered the general guidelines. Design a room that will transition into young adulthood with furnishings that will be transferable to her apartment in the future. Two must haves: the color “millennial pink” and a hardwood floor! This dark walk-out basement-bedroom was transformed into a bright, efficient, grown-up room so inviting that it earned the name “precious”! Clarity Northwest Photography: Matthew Gallant

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