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Buying term papers from academic writing services and freelance writers is becoming a popular deal. Therefore, former and current professors are entering this industry to write papers for money more and more often. Such services as are becoming popular among students all over the world. An interesting fact is that they hire not only former graduates but also out-of-work academics.
When professors find a compromise about cheating
Jennifer Sunseri, a former assistant professor, lost her job in 2009. She has been looking for a job for almost three years. At long last, she had abandoned all hope of finding a new job and started working as an academic writing service creating papers for college students.
Jenifer says, “I realize that it is legal, but highly unethical especially regarding the fact that I am a former professor. For me this is an equivalent of prostitution. But I have been living in a tight situation for years without an opportunity to visit a doctor or pay my bills. I am 53, and I have no kids to help me when I am out-of-work.”
She has been a tutor in Texas Tech since 1998, where she established a Slavic folklore course. Jenifer didn’t have any publications during her working years at Texas Tech, so when the time has come to apply for a venture, she realized that she has no chances and left. She moved to her sister and her mom and now she is living in her studio apartment with her two cats.
Sunseri was worried when she lost her job even though she has master’s degrees in Slavic linguistics and technical communications.
“I thought that my educator’s and writer’s skills will be useful,” she said. “However, I was shocked at the quantity of applications for an instructor at the local college, as well as for the office manager, or an adjunct at the local institution. Even an effort to apply for a substitute teacher failed. I cannot believe that those who have academic background, experience and a degree are in less demand than those have not.”
When Ph.D. and master’s degrees lose their magical power, people with academic background have no choice but to start their term paper writing career. Once professors become unemployed, one may say that they feel themselves like high school graduates looking for a part-time job. However, you will be surprised, but according to statistics sometimes those with high school or college diplomas are more welcome than people with higher education. The reason is that a lot of new job places in America were created at times of economic recovery and, therefore, they are low-paying and require specialists with lower skills. It turns to be that it is much easier to learn a less-educated worker and train him/her in a particular way suitable for a certain company or service than to teach a higher-educated worker all over again. In addition, higher educated job candidates are more selective about their choice.
How to become a ghostwriter if you have been punishing others for paper cheating
Jenifer was not fastidious. She was looking for a job that would correspond her skills and finally decided to try herself as an online editor. While searching for an editing job, she ran against term paper writing service. This company asked her to send examples of her works and complete a test task. She has been accepted as a ghostwriter.
In fact, term paper writing services gladly accept people with higher education and offer them to write papers of all kinds for money. Jenifer says that her first assignments for sale included a 5-page paper on public debt, 10-page paper on linguistics, and an editing work of someone else’s 20-page paper. All these assignments brought her about $150. Jenifer reports that it is possible to turn a useful penny by writing academic papers.
Jenifer realized that ghostwriting is a good source of income after she read an article about an anonymous academic writer who earned almost $70,000 a year writing papers for high school and college students.
“Currently this business becomes more and more popular. During finals and midterms, we have a lot of work to do since there are a lot of students ready to pay for a custom paper and submit it as their own,” he says. “It is no wonder that students use writing services. I have seen a lot of their writings, and I realize why they are so desperate about writing their assignments. Some of them are unable to compose a grocery list without additional help. They really need it. We help them pass a course, that’s all.”
Jenifer says that this work helped her be on form and develop her core skills like writing and researching all the time. She was unemployed for a long time and was afraid that her skills might become lower due to a lack of practice. However, at a writing company she never stops practicing. She claims that this is a hard work mostly because you have to be meet urgent deadlines.
The other challenge was a paper that she couldn’t complete once. The problem was not in a lack of competency, but in ethics. She discovered that it was an order for a student from her former place of work, Tech University. She says that she felt weird about completing this work and refused to write it.
“I became angry when I realized that I am going to serve a kid who is partying in Florida, while being a former faculty member of the university he is attending.”
Currently, Jenifer is working as a Russian translator. However, she is not abandoning academic writing industry even though she feels a little awkward about helping students to cheat. It is not that bad that unemployable professors have an opportunity to earn for living being ghostwriters even though it is not very ethical.
Ironically, a place of work like academic writing company that makes out-of-job educators feel that they are performing a crime assisting students in cheating seems to be the only place in the job market that values their experience in the sphere of education.

Buying term papers from academic writing services and freelance writers is becoming a popular deal. Therefore, former and current professors are entering this industry to write papers for money more and more often. Such services as are becoming popular among students all over the world. An interesting fact is that they hire not only former graduates but also out-of-work academics.
When professors find a compromise about cheating
Jennifer Sunseri, a former assistant professor, lost her job in 2009. She has been looking for a job for almost three years. At long last, she had abandoned all hope of finding a new job and started working as an academic writing service creating papers for college students.
Jenifer says, “I realize that it is legal, but highly unethical especially regarding the fact that I am a former professor. For me this is an equivalent of prostitution. But I have been living in a tight situation for years without an opportunity to visit a doctor or pay my bills. I am 53, and I have no kids to help me when I am out-of-work.”
She has been a tutor in Texas Tech since 1998, where she established a Slavic folklore course. Jenifer didn’t have any publications during her working years at Texas Tech, so when the time has come to apply for a venture, she realized that she has no chances and left. She moved to her sister and her mom and now she is living in her studio apartment with her two cats.
Sunseri was worried when she lost her job even though she has master’s degrees in Slavic linguistics and technical communications.
“I thought that my educator’s and writer’s skills will be useful,” she said. “However, I was shocked at the quantity of applications for an instructor at the local college, as well as for the office manager, or an adjunct at the local institution. Even an effort to apply for a substitute teacher failed. I cannot believe that those who have academic background, experience and a degree are in less demand than those have not.”
When Ph.D. and master’s degrees lose their magical power, people with academic background have no choice but to start their term paper writing career. Once professors become unemployed, one may say that they feel themselves like high school graduates looking for a part-time job. However, you will be surprised, but according to statistics sometimes those with high school or college diplomas are more welcome than people with higher education. The reason is that a lot of new job places in America were created at times of economic recovery and, therefore, they are low-paying and require specialists with lower skills. It turns to be that it is much easier to learn a less-educated worker and train him/her in a particular way suitable for a certain company or service than to teach a higher-educated worker all over again. In addition, higher educated job candidates are more selective about their choice.
How to become a ghostwriter if you have been punishing others for paper cheating
Jenifer was not fastidious. She was looking for a job that would correspond her skills and finally decided to try herself as an online editor. While searching for an editing job, she ran against term paper writing service. This company asked her to send examples of her works and complete a test task. She has been accepted as a ghostwriter.
In fact, term paper writing services gladly accept people with higher education and offer them to write papers of all kinds for money. Jenifer says that her first assignments for sale included a 5-page paper on public debt, 10-page paper on linguistics, and an editing work of someone else’s 20-page paper. All these assignments brought her about $150. Jenifer reports that it is possible to turn a useful penny by writing academic papers.
Jenifer realized that ghostwriting is a good source of income after she read an article about an anonymous academic writer who earned almost $70,000 a year writing papers for high school and college students.
“Currently this business becomes more and more popular. During finals and midterms, we have a lot of work to do since there are a lot of students ready to pay for a custom paper and submit it as their own,” he says. “It is no wonder that students use writing services. I have seen a lot of their writings, and I realize why they are so desperate about writing their assignments. Some of them are unable to compose a grocery list without additional help. They really need it. We help them pass a course, that’s all.”
Jenifer says that this work helped her be on form and develop her core skills like writing and researching all the time. She was unemployed for a long time and was afraid that her skills might become lower due to a lack of practice. However, at a writing company she never stops practicing. She claims that this is a hard work mostly because you have to be meet urgent deadlines.
The other challenge was a paper that she couldn’t complete once. The problem was not in a lack of competency, but in ethics. She discovered that it was an order for a student from her former place of work, Tech University. She says that she felt weird about completing this work and refused to write it.
“I became angry when I realized that I am going to serve a kid who is partying in Florida, while being a former faculty member of the university he is attending.”
Currently, Jenifer is working as a Russian translator. However, she is not abandoning academic writing industry even though she feels a little awkward about helping students to cheat. It is not that bad that unemployable professors have an opportunity to earn for living being ghostwriters even though it is not very ethical.
Ironically, a place of work like academic writing company that makes out-of-job educators feel that they are performing a crime assisting students in cheating seems to be the only place in the job market that values their experience in the sphere of education.

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