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Living room - mid-sized transitional open concept light wood floor and beige floor living room idea in Chicago with white walls, no fireplace and a wall-mounted tv
Chi Renovation & Design
Chi Renovation & Design
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars107 ReviewsView Profile

Ranch Triangle Chicago Renovation: Living Room

Transitional Living Room, Chicago

Modern light fixtures further emphasize the elegant contemporary furnishings in this living room. Project designed by Skokie renovation firm, Chi Renovation & Design - general contractors, kitchen and bath remodelers, and design & build company. They serve the Chicago area and its surrounding suburbs, with an emphasis on the North Side and North Shore. You'll find their work from the Loop through Lincoln Park, Skokie, Evanston, Wilmette, and all the way up to Lake Forest. For more about Chi Renovation & Design, click here: To learn more about this project, click here:

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