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Eclectic kitchen photo in San Francisco
Craig O'Connell Architecture
Craig O'Connell Architecture
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars32 ReviewsView Profile

Refreshingly Unique and Stylish Victorian Remodel

Eclectic Kitchen, San Francisco

This remodel of a three-story San Francisco Victorian honors the timeless design while breathing fresh, modern life into the home. The clients’ new favorite room - the kitchen - is now bathed in light due to a skylight and floor-to-ceiling bi-folding steel framed doors. Beautiful custom wood cabinets and wood details add warmth, gorgeous tiles insert rich color and personality while the handcrafted concrete counters and sink bring a modern and functional touch.

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Questions About This Photo (4)

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Becky Harris added this to Fresh Update for a Victorian-Era San Francisco BeautyFebruary 11, 2020

After: Directly across from the cabinet by the back doors is its twin. This serves as their pantry cabinet. And it...

What Houzzers are commenting on
HU-13574140067 added this to Judith & Brian Houser Condo4 days ago

like the hex tiles