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Inspiration for a large contemporary built-in desk carpeted study room remodel in Melbourne with green walls and no fireplace
Designs Australia
Designs Australia
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 ReviewsView Profile

Rowe Residence

Contemporary Home Office, Melbourne

Three wall contemporary home office with desk which runs over two walls. Four file drawers, ten storage cupboards and seven general drawers. Two large and four small floating shelves. Wall unit size: 2.5m wide x 2.7m high x 0.4m deep Desk size: 3.3m wide along first wall, 2.1m wide along second wall, 0.8m high, 0.6m deep Material: Painted Dulux Whisper White, clear satin lacquer finish 30% gloss. American Cherry veneer features and a solid timber edge to the desktop.

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