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Beach style dark wood floor and brown floor breakfast nook photo in Los Angeles with white walls
White Sands Coastal Development
White Sands Coastal Development
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 ReviewsView Profile

Santa Barbara Style

Beach Style Dining Room, Los Angeles

We remodeled this 5,400-square foot, 3-story home on ’s Second Street to give it a more current feel, with cleaner lines and textures. The result is more and less Old World Europe, which is exactly what we were going for. We worked with much of the client’s existing furniture, which has a southern flavor, compliments of its former South Carolina home. This was an additional challenge, because we had to integrate a variety of influences in an intentional and cohesive way. We painted nearly every surface white in the 5-bed, 6-bath home, and added light-colored window treatments, which brightened and opened the space. Additionally, we replaced all the light fixtures for a more integrated aesthetic. Well-selected accessories help pull the space together, infusing a consistent sense of peace and comfort.

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