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Dedicated laundry room - large transitional galley porcelain tile and gray floor dedicated laundry room idea in Dallas with shaker cabinets, blue cabinets, wood countertops, white walls, a side-by-side washer/dryer and beige countertops
Traci Connell Interiors
Traci Connell Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars37 ReviewsView Profile

Scandinavian Lakeside Remodel

Transitional Laundry Room, Dallas

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Anne Colby added this to 7-Day Plan: Get a Spotless, Beautifully Organized Laundry RoomJune 5, 2020

Day 2: Declutter and Get Rid of GrimeCleaning tasks: You know those lint balls, empty detergent containers, used dryer...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Justine Schwarz added this to LAUNDRY ROOM2 days ago

Light fixture and shiplap