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This is an example of a traditional screened-in porch design in Chicago with decking and a roof extension.
Your Favorite Room By Cathy Zaeske
Your Favorite Room By Cathy Zaeske
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars37 ReviewsView Profile

Screened Porch Sanctuary

Traditional Porch, Chicago

This screened porch was created as a sanctuary, a place to retreat and be enveloped by nature in a calm, 
relaxing environment. The monochromatic scheme helps to achieve this quiet mood while the pop 
of color comes solely from the surrounding trees. The hits of black help to move your eye around the room and provide a sophisticated feel. Three distinct zones were created to eat, converse 
and lounge with the help of area rugs, custom lighting and unique furniture. Cathy Zaeske

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Questions About This Photo (10)

dcox55dcox55 wrote:October 3, 2012
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Kristy Woodson Harvey and Beth Woodson added this to A Screened-In Porch Communes With NatureSeptember 20, 2012

The family of four eats dinner out here every summer night. Natural Pottery Barn curtains soften the lines and give the...

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Overseer added this to GroundsAugust 9, 2024

Outdoor curtains, screened gazebo