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Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary galley marble floor and beige floor enclosed kitchen remodel in Baltimore with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, stainless steel appliances, an island, soapstone countertops, beige backsplash and wood backsplash
Allbright Bullock Architects
Allbright Bullock Architects
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Severn River Modern kitchen

Contemporary Kitchen, Baltimore

The thickness of the sapele wood kitchen countertop is expressed at the stone island counter. The existing ceilings were removed and replaced with exposed steel I-beam crossties and new cathedral ceilings, with the steel beams placed sideways to provide a cavity at the top and bottom for continuous linear light strips shining up and down. The full height windows go all the way to floor to take full advantage of the view angle down the hill. Photo by Lisa Shires.

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