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Elegant u-shaped medium tone wood floor and brown floor kitchen photo in Boston with recessed-panel cabinets, stainless steel appliances, soapstone countertops, white cabinets, an undermount sink, white backsplash, subway tile backsplash and an island
SV Design
SV Design
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars19 ReviewsView Profile

Shades of Gray

Traditional Kitchen, Boston

This once modest beach cottage was slowly transformed over the years into a grand estate on one of the North Shore's best beaches. Siemasko + Verbridge designed a modest addition while reworking the entire floor plan to meet the needs of a large family. Photo Credit: Michael Rixon

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Samantha Schoech added this to See How Wood Warms Modern White KitchensSeptember 17, 2012

This kitchen is not even close to feeling like a morgue; the tooled legs on the island, cottage-style windows and...

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cp P added this to carolynpangborn's ideas3 days ago

Coffered ceiling