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Design ideas for a contemporary gravel landscaping in San Francisco.
Arterra Landscape Architects
Arterra Landscape Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 ReviewsView Profile

Small City Garden

Contemporary Landscape, San Francisco

The overall design for this city garden has a rhythmic movement, which comes from the composition of forms, the billowy sway of the plants in the breeze and light bouncing off the reflected surfaces. The garden is designed to engage the viewer as participant in a trans-formative place, even if the journey they choose is purely visual. Michele Lee Willson Photography

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Questions About This Photo (10)

amunroeamunroe wrote:September 25, 2011
What Houzz contributors are saying
Debra Prinzing added this to Ornament Your Garden the Artful WayDecember 3, 2012

Plants and artwork should coexist compatibly, communicating the designer's intent. This alluring trio of gazing balls...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Ann Newman added this to Coastal GardenSeptember 2, 2024

fence in driftwood colour with shingle, modern shiney balls and grasses