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Inspiration for a modern backyard landscaping in West Midlands.
iSmart Control Ltd
iSmart Control Ltd
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 ReviewView Profile

Smart Garden Room

Modern Landscape, West Midlands

We are pleased to showcase the outcome of one of our local projects we completed with Gardenspace360 The guys have created this unbelievable outdoor living space for entertaining family and friend for a client like no other. We also had the opportunity to meet and work alongside inspirationalfires from Birmingham who have some amazing fireplaces in there showroom. We have installed a Lutron Retro Fit solution on this project t give the client a smart lighting solution that is simple to use we also installed some Gallo Acoustic speakers all powered with a sonos amp with the HDMI Arc being used with the TV for audio return. We also added uieverywhere wireless nano HD Access point for the client.

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