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Home design - coastal home design idea in Los Angeles
White Sands Coastal Development
White Sands Coastal Development
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 ReviewsView Profile

South Bay Coastal Farmhouse

Beach Style, Los Angeles

This 5,200-square foot modern farmhouse is located on Manhattan Beach’s Fourth Street, which leads directly to the ocean. A raw stone facade and custom-built Dutch front-door greets guests, and customized millwork can be found throughout the home. The exposed beams, wooden furnishings, rustic-chic lighting, and soothing palette are inspired by Scandinavian farmhouses and breezy coastal living. The home’s understated elegance privileges comfort and vertical space. To this end, the 5-bed, 7-bath (counting halves) home has a 4-stop elevator and a basement theater with tiered seating and 13-foot ceilings. A third story porch is separated from the upstairs living area by a glass wall that disappears as desired, and its stone fireplace ensures that this panoramic ocean view can be enjoyed year-round. This house is full of gorgeous materials, including a kitchen backsplash of Calacatta marble, mined from the Apuan mountains of Italy, and countertops of polished porcelain. The curved antique French limestone fireplace in the living room is a true statement piece, and the basement includes a temperature-controlled glass room-within-a-room for an aesthetic but functional take on wine storage. The takeaway? Efficiency and beauty are two sides of the same coin.

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