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Large island style l-shaped porcelain tile and beige floor enclosed kitchen photo in Seattle with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, medium tone wood cabinets, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, a peninsula, gray backsplash, ceramic backsplash and multicolored countertops
Richard Landon Design
Richard Landon Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 ReviewsView Profile

Stair Solution

Tropical Kitchen, Seattle

Designing a new staircase to connect all three levels freed up space for this kitchen. Before, my client had to squeeze through a narrow opening in the corner of the kitchen to access an equally narrow stair to the basement. In the process of evaluating the space we discovered there was no foundation under the kitchen walls! Noticing that the entry to their home was little used--everyone came right in to the kitchen--gave me the idea that we could connect the kitchen to the entry and convert it into a pantry! Hence, the white painted brick--that wall was formerly an exterior wall. William Feemster

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