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Inspiration for a huge modern living room remodel in Sacramento
John Maniscalco Architecture
John Maniscalco Architecture
Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars3 ReviewsView Profile

Sugar Bowl Residence - John Maniscalco Architecture

Modern Living Room, Sacramento

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Questions About This Photo (10)

Adam Berger Development LLCAdam Berger Development LLC wrote:May 4, 2011
What Houzz contributors are saying
John Hill added this to Design Photography: Let's Get SymmetricalNovember 16, 2011

This living room is part of a house that is anything but symmetrical, but the centering of the structure gives this...

What Houzzers are commenting on
SHB added this to Windows & DoorsNovember 11, 2023

Color and thin profile of framing edges