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Design ideas for a mediterranean drought-tolerant backyard landscaping in San Luis Obispo.
Gardens by Gabriel, Inc.
Gardens by Gabriel, Inc.
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars21 ReviewsView Profile

Sunbathing Agave vilmoriniana 'stained glass'

Mediterranean Landscape, San Luis Obispo

Agave vilmoriniana take a sunbath surrounded by blooms and succulents

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Noelle Johnson Landscape Consulting added this to Great Design Plant: Agave VilmorinianaFebruary 23, 2015

The ideal exposure for this agave is filtered shade, especially in the low desert, although it can be grown in full sun...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Katherine Dean added this to Front Yard RedoSeptember 13, 2021

Height, color