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Mid-sized craftsman brown two-story wood exterior home idea in New York with a shingle roof
Richard Bubnowski Design LLC
Richard Bubnowski Design LLC
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars18 ReviewsView Profile

Surfers End

Craftsman Exterior, New York

Alexandra Rowley Photography

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Questions About This Photo (5)

Hermione Betts_CloneyHermione Betts_Cloney wrote:January 12, 2012
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Laura Gaskill added this to Decorate With Intention: 12 Remodeling Sanity SaversJune 2, 2012

1. Have a plan A ... and a plan B and C too. Even when you set what seem like perfectly reasonable goals, things have a...

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Meg Hickey added this to Meg's Ideas7 days ago

Woven corners