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Bedroom photo in Berlin
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 ReviewsView Profile

Teppich Aonla

Bedroom, Berlin

Von unseren erfahrenen Partnern in Indien aus 100% natürlicher Baumwolle in Leinwandbindung verarbeitet, zaubert unser leichter Teppich Aonla eine Prise Ethno-Flair in Ihr Zuhause. Der Mustermix belebt die Sinne und bringt kräftige Farben in Ihr Zuhause.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Leonora Sartori added this to The Pros and Cons of Making Your Bed Every DayDecember 14, 2015

The Cons of Tidy BeddingAn ick factor. There are those who, swinging their pillows, fight for the right to leave the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Priya Bhaidaswala added this to Priya’s BedroomJune 21, 2023

Greenery in the bedroom