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Laundry closet - contemporary laundry closet idea in London with flat-panel cabinets, beige cabinets and a stacked washer/dryer
Cue Group of Companies
Cue Group of Companies
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The Ladbroke Kitchen

Contemporary Laundry Room, London

CABINETRY: The Ladbroke kitchen, Cue & Co of London, painted in Cornforth White, Farrow & Ball SPLASHBACK: Polished plaster, Cue & Co of London WORK SURFACES: Polished concrete, Cue & Co of London FLOORING: Engineered oak, Cue & Co of London SINK: Stainless steel Claron 550 sink, Blanco TAP: Oberon mixer tap with a C-spout in pewter, Perrin & Rowe APPLIANCES: All Neff Cue & Co of London kitchens start from £35,000

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