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Living room - eclectic living room idea in Other with yellow walls
Mud and Wood
Mud and Wood
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 ReviewView Profile

The Mud and Wood House

Eclectic Living Room

The living room is upstairs in the Mud and Wood House. This multi-purpose room is kidney-shaped. One half contains comfortable couches (which you can see here). The large triple-glazed window focuses on headlands marching away in the distance and the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Facing northwest, this window tracks the sunsets from the depths of winter to the height of summer. The opposite side of the room has large southwest facing windows, focusing on the Ox Mountains and bringing warmth into the room. The floorboards were salvaged from a local 1960s school which was demolished during the build. The curved walls are sculpted from mud. Living in curves is like living in a hug. Photo: Steve Rogers

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