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Mid-sized eclectic light wood floor dining room photo in London with white walls
Nathalie Priem Photography
Nathalie Priem Photography
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 ReviewsView Profile

The Old Courthouse

Eclectic Dining Room, London

Nathalie Priem

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Questions About This Photo (2)

Pamela TonerPamela Toner wrote:May 7, 2017
What Houzz contributors are saying
Jo Froude added this to Houzz Tour: A Former Courthouse Transformed With Vintage PiecesMay 10, 2017

The dining room, illuminated by a skylight, is a good example of how Thott has displayed a large number of items but...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Yasmine Ocasio added this to WWKOctober 15, 2023

Picture display