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Example of an island style home design design in Chicago
Your Favorite Room By Cathy Zaeske
Your Favorite Room By Cathy Zaeske
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars38 ReviewsView Profile

Transitional, Eclectic, Tropical Powder Room

Tropical, Chicago

This transitional powder room features white subway tile that is fresh, clean and timeless. The custom turquoise plays off accents throughout the rest of the main living areas and the mother of pearl accent tile brings in nature, wonderful colors in a neutral sort of way and gives it that tropical coastal feel without being too much. The mix of shell tile, modern fixtures and abstract kaleidoscope art keep this space from fitting into any one box - just what the client wanted! Photos by Cathy Zaeske

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Questions About This Photo (3)

paulaprettypaulapretty wrote:May 20, 2012
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sarahfyaffe added this to 79 BathroomAugust 10, 2019

White subways with metallic border