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This is an example of a traditional full sun front yard outdoor sport court in Other for summer.
Jackson & Perkins
Jackson & Perkins
Average rating: 2.7 out of 5 stars7 ReviewsView Profile

Tree Rose Double Delight with Summer Night

Traditional Landscape

Bring back that sense of carefree pleasure you enjoyed on warm, moonlit evenings with friends, with our 2012 Rose of the Year®, 'Summer Nights'. The blooms have delicate yellow petals blushed with a soft, rosy pink that deepens as it moves to the outer edges. You'll fall in love with this gorgeous new hybrid tea, reveling in its lovely licorice fragrance and exquisitely formed blossoms, whose soothing colors evoke memories of sweetly remembered sunsets! Our 24" patio tree roses are heavy-blooming roses grafted onto a top-quality standard. More compact than the traditional 36" size, they are ideal for today's smaller gardens, as well as for containers of all types. Make a bold statement with this remarkable rose! 24-inch patio tree roses are budded onto a 24-inch trunk. This will make the overall tree, once leafed out and blooming, taller than 24 inches.

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