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Inspiration for a timeless multicolored tile bathroom remodel in Minneapolis with an undermount sink, white cabinets and recessed-panel cabinets
Metro Interiors
Metro Interiors
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

Tresured Bathroom

Traditional Bathroom, Minneapolis

"Ordinary to Extraordinary" The client's desire was a fancy bathroom for daughter to express her personality and interest. She enjoys French design and delights in beautiful materials. Bathroom finishes include an exquisite counter top made out of semi-precious quartz stones with a translucent quality; shimmery crystal vanity fixture; beautiful glass tile used as a dominant accent in the vanity area. Feng Shui elements were used to enhance daughter's personality. Water element (inward, deep thinking) found in the movement in the faux finishes,, the crystals, fish is artwork. Metal element (detail-oriented energy) found in the metal accents throughout and the white painted cabinets.

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