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Kitchen - traditional kitchen idea in New York with a farmhouse sink and stainless steel appliances
Trish Namm, Allied ASID - Kent Kitchen Works
Trish Namm, Allied ASID - Kent Kitchen Works
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

Trish Namm

Traditional Kitchen, New York

We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to enjoy an evening with Mr. & Mrs. Oh....shared the cooking and loved working in this Kitchen! The Island is a great spot for making pizza, eating a casual meal, or doing homework. The range is fabulous...Notice the baking area on the left...Countertop in Danby marble and at just the perfect height for rolling out pie crust...kneading bread... Architect - Patrick Mulberry Kitchen Design & Cabinetry - Trish Namm, Quality Custom Cabinetry Builder - Denis Langlois, Den Construction Photo by Randy O'Rourke

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