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Living room - shabby-chic style living room idea in New York
Urban Futons - Dr. Futonberg
Urban Futons - Dr. Futonberg
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 ReviewsView Profile

Tropical Theme Decorating with Futons

Shabby-chic Style Living Room, New York

Very nicely put together room. This tropical futon cover with island palm trees is so damn cute. You can tell this person used at least an 8" thick cotton and foam futon mattress. Remember it's always preferable to have foam in your cotton based futon mattress in order for it to bend nicely and keep the cotton in place when used on a bi fold futon frame. I like to point out a few decorating faux pas I noticed. The rug under the coffee table looks like a bathroom or door mat. The rug should be 3 to 4 times bigger. The picture of above the futon and the mirror should be reversed. The round mirror should be the focal point above the futon in this room.

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