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Mid-sized 1950s dark wood floor and brown floor great room photo in New York with gray walls and no fireplace
Idea Space Architecture + Design
Idea Space Architecture + Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars14 ReviewsView Profile

Upper West Side Transitional

Midcentury Dining Room, New York

Photography by Anna Herbst

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Questions About This Photo (2)

Kris z6bKris z6b wrote:January 25, 2017
What Houzz contributors are saying
Becky Harris added this to Room of the Day: Strategies for Laying Out a Large SpaceDecember 7, 2016

China worked with her client’s existing dining table and added new upholstered chairs. A fiddle leaf fig in a...

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Mariela Ibáñez de Vlieg added this to Ideas de MarielaAugust 20, 2023
