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Mountain style living room photo in New York with a standard fireplace and a stone fireplace
Jamesthomas Interiors
Jamesthomas Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 ReviewsView Profile

Upstate New York Weekend Home

Rustic Living Room, New York

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Questions About This Photo (14)

etredetred wrote:October 21, 2013
What Houzz contributors are saying
Mary Jo Bowling added this to Houzz Tour: Laid-Back Comfort in the New York WoodsApril 17, 2014

A new screened porch off the family lounge and the kitchen was painted a dark color to relate it to the home’s exterior...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Kristen Swartz added this to OutsideAugust 27, 2023

Chair and couch set up