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Inspiration for a mid-sized modern open concept medium tone wood floor family room remodel in Portland with a concrete fireplace, a wall-mounted tv, multicolored walls and a corner fireplace
Jordan Iverson Signature Homes
Jordan Iverson Signature Homes
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 ReviewsView Profile

Urban cosmopolitan Great Room with ethanol fireplace

Modern Family Room, Portland

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Questions About This Photo (7)

toering1toering1 wrote:April 18, 2012
What Houzz contributors are saying
Buckminster Green LLC added this to Contractor Tips: Smooth Moves for Hardwood FloorsApril 5, 2012

The area where you will lay the floor affects the type of floor that can be used. If you have hot-water or electric...

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Melissa Lucero-Nguyen added this to fire placesSeptember 25, 2022

builtin nooks around tv and foreplace