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Trendy kitchen photo in Birmingham with shaker cabinets, gray cabinets, limestone countertops and stainless steel appliances
Dana Wolter
Dana Wolter
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 ReviewsView Profile

Vestavia Hills House

Contemporary Kitchen, Birmingham

photo by Jean Allsopp Photography

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Questions About This Photo (8)

PmacPmac wrote:July 24, 2011
What Houzz contributors are saying
Vanessa Brunner added this to Houzz Tour: Comfort and Elegance for 5July 21, 2011

Wolter had the home's kitchen completely redone. Initially, the space was an awkward U-shape with outdated appliances...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Анжела Дмитриева added this to Идеи пользователя АнжелаNovember 5, 2021

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