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Example of a small trendy single-wall light wood floor eat-in kitchen design in Sydney with flat-panel cabinets, stainless steel appliances, yellow backsplash, green cabinets, a single-bowl sink, glass sheet backsplash and no island
Danny Broe Architect
Danny Broe Architect
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars13 ReviewsView Profile

Victorian Workers Cottage Addition

Contemporary Kitchen, Sydney

Photography: Karina Illovska The kitchen is divided into different colours to reduce its bulk and a surprise pink study inside it has its own little window. The front rooms were renovated to their former glory with replica plaster reinstated. A tasmanian Oak floor with a beautiful matt water based finish was selected by jess and its light and airy. this unifies the old and new parts. Colour was used playfully. Jess came up with a diverse colour scheme that somehow works really well. The wallpaper in the hall is warm and luxurious. ​

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