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Inspiration for a contemporary enclosed medium tone wood floor and brown floor living room remodel in New York with purple walls, no fireplace and no tv
Anjie Cho Architect PLLC
Anjie Cho Architect PLLC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars38 ReviewsView Profile

West Village

Contemporary Living Room, New York

This was a design project inspired by feng shui and healthy living. we used as many non-toxic and organic materials as we could to create a peaceful feng shui home :) Materials: Organic and non toxic materials Anna Sova paint and fabrics & Textiles, natural jute rug-ABC Home, buckwheat purple lavender zafu pillows (meditation cushions), Noguchi chair, custom bamboo sideboard, custom bamboo cabinets, custom Japanese calligraphy, custom Japanese noren, custom organic silk pillows, feng shui fountain, bathroom- decoration, custom organic, non-toxic shower curtain with custom ribbons, paint by Anna Sova- natural organic food-based milk paint, custom mirror with plyboo (bamboo ply), natural custom tatami mats

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