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Inspiration for a mid-sized transitional u-shaped medium tone wood floor and brown floor eat-in kitchen remodel in Chicago with a drop-in sink, shaker cabinets, green cabinets, quartz countertops, white backsplash, ceramic backsplash, stainless steel appliances, an island and white countertops
Lugbill Designs
Lugbill Designs
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars37 ReviewsView Profile

Wicker Park: Oakley Blvd

Transitional Kitchen, Chicago

We renovated this kitchen adding a beautiful decorative hood that's black and gold over a stainless steel stove. The matte black faucet and pulls on the shaker cabinets and drawers bring the design together. We used quartz for the countertops and ceramic subway tile for the backsplash. We added a pop of color, green, on the bottom cabinets and white on the top cabinets.

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