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Inspiration for an eclectic shade gravel landscaping in San Francisco for fall.
Judy's Gardens & Design
Judy's Gardens & Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars7 ReviewsView Profile

Willow Arch in a Palo Alto Garden

Eclectic Landscape, San Francisco

Fall in a Palo Alto Garden re-design. I designed a Willow Arch for this garden re-design project to go with the Willow furniture purchased for the new Secret Garden. The old lawn will be replaced with a low-water, no mow variety.

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Luisa Rollenhagen added this to 11 Garden Retreats for the Creatively InclinedFebruary 16, 2015

A secret alcove. Gardens are often associated with the concepts of purity, isolation and abundance. This secluded...

What Houzzers are commenting on
eskaywa added this to GardenOctober 26, 2024

Autumnal colours