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Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary master black tile and stone tile porcelain tile and black floor bathroom remodel in Austin with white walls, a vessel sink, solid surface countertops, a wall-mount toilet and a hinged shower door
Winn Wittman Architecture A.I.A.
Winn Wittman Architecture A.I.A.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars16 ReviewsView Profile

Winn Wittman Architecture

Contemporary Bathroom, Austin

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Claire McCall added this to Pebble Surfaces That Rock, Indoors and OutAugust 16, 2016

Bring the outside in. Creating a connection between the courtyard and the bathroom, this sunken square filled with...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Titi Chen added this to 3. Solid SurfaceOctober 9, 2024

INSPIRATION 2) a striking tub with a rock-like texture, beautifully complemented by natural stone flooring