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Mid-sized trendy open concept light wood floor family room photo in Detroit with beige walls and a tv stand
Wright Street Design Group Inc.
Wright Street Design Group Inc.
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Wright Street Design Group Inc.

Contemporary Family Room, Detroit

With televisions becoming considerably larger and displayed in more prominent places, many solutions for hiding, concealing and otherwise disguising this modern box have multiplied. While that’s one approach, hiding a TV does nothing for a room’s style in and of itself, and let’s face it, the idea is (at some point at least) to see it. Our home owners wanted a TV as well as an attractive clean and modern statement for there family room. Photo by © Fred Golden

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Questions About This Photo (8)

rpiorpio wrote:September 23, 2011
What Houzz contributors are saying
Becky Harris added this to Modern Icons: The Eames Walnut StoolMay 31, 2011

The stools are great at breaking things up a bit. Almost everything in this room is rectilinear, including the light...

What Houzzers are commenting on
SOFIA SEGAR added this to SOFIA's IdeasSeptember 5, 2024

Form: the three dimensional cubes on the wall adds visual interest to a space