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Living room - contemporary living room idea in New York with white walls and no tv
Sarah Jefferys Architecture + Interiors
Sarah Jefferys Architecture + Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile

Wyckoff Penthouse Living Room and Deck

Contemporary Living Room, New York

Open flow through the living room to the deck.

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Questions About This Photo (10)

kwcosciahuxkwcosciahux wrote:March 26, 2012
What Houzz contributors are saying
John Hill added this to Urban Townhouses Lighten UpMay 23, 2012

A living room tops the building and sits adjacent to the roof deck. A sliding wall unites the interior and the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Penny added this to FlooringJune 26, 2023

Design of carpet