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Example of a cottage eat-in kitchen design in Charleston with an undermount sink, white cabinets, marble countertops, white backsplash, stainless steel appliances, an island and beaded inset cabinets
StoneWorks, Inc.
StoneWorks, Inc.
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars45 ReviewsView Profile

Your Dream Kitchen

Farmhouse Kitchen, Charleston

Check out this huge kitchen island - over 13' feet long! enough for friends and family to gather around while the final prep is taking place...or just to gather for any reason. This gorgeous custom kitchen has mystic grey leathered granite perimeter countertops, in deep charcoal grey. The large center island is topped with a honed Turkish white marble, cut to 2.5” thickness Gorgeous. The backsplash is a painted brick in a white wash to give the brick an old feel. The complementary but different colors make this kitchen pop.

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