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Corner shower - small traditional master blue tile, gray tile, green tile, white tile and subway tile porcelain tile corner shower idea in Denver with beaded inset cabinets, blue cabinets, white walls, an undermount sink and marble countertops
Red Pepper Design & Cabinetry
Red Pepper Design & Cabinetry
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars44 ReviewsView Profile

Zen Bath Experience

Traditional Bathroom, Denver

The only full bath in a jewel of a house built n 1920 had no set-down space with its original wall mounted sink. We managed to tuck a good deal of storage both above and below the new marble countertop as well as allow make-up and sundries a place to rest. The lights are flexible enought to allow only up light, only down light or both. The hexagonal floor tile upgrades but mimics the original flooring.

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