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Christmas Tree Stands and Care

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Oh Christmas tree, how do I keep your leaves from changing? Caring for your real or artificial Christmas tree is essential to keep them lasting as long as your festivities. In regard to artificial trees, suitable storage is also important to ensure branches don’t become bent or warped. Proper care for live trees includes a Christmas tree stand that features a water reservoir since a good dose of H2O keeps them looking fresh and full. Here you’ll find some great tips on keeping both kinds of trees green and sprightly during the holidays:

What kind of Christmas tree stand is best for my live Christmas tree?

Living Christmas trees need access to water to continue looking healthy, so make sure your Christmas tree stand features a reservoir or other way to provide a drink. It’s best to place your new spruce, fir or pine in the water as soon as it arrives home with you, and access to at least one quart of water per inch of the trunk’s diameter is recommended. If you purchased one that’s pre-cut, make sure you cut off an extra inch to an inch and a half off the bottom of the trunk. This is because sap immediately begins sealing over the cut, which will limit the amount of water that can be absorbed.