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Real Estate Agents in New Orleans

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New Orleans / 50 mi
115 of 313 professionals
313 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Real Estate Agents in New Orleans

Emily Haynie Realtor
Real Estate Agents in New Orleans
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 11, 2017
“Emily helped us plan and become familiar with purchasing real estate in New Orleans remotely. She would visit properties and video the tours and email us her video with her notes on her recommendations. We would have conference calls when needed. She helped us coordinate all vendors (inspector, plumbing inspector, title, termite and more). When we finally visited we had everything we needed to make a decision and did so in ONE day. What a true professional. Even after we closed escrow Emily still helped us by visiting the property with a furniture dolly and putting furniture deliveries inside the house for us because UPS and Fed/Ex left everything on the porch. She went above and beyond the facilitation of buying real estate. She is the epitome of EXCELLENT SERVICE!! Emily is a FABULOUS Real Estate Agent and we recommend her to anyone whenever the opportunity arises. We only wish we could buy more New Orleans properties. It'll happen. Thank you Emily.”
Robyn Schmitt REALTOR
Real Estate Agents in New Orleans
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 21, 2016
“What to say - Robyn is a great Realtor! She goes above and beyond to help us succeed in our business. She is proactive and is always on the lookout for new renovation projects for us that make good sense, and when we complete them she gets them sold. For one recent project she was there walking the property in the final stages of construction making note of the finish selections and was on top of the sales process from the moment it was ready to show. We are looking forward to working with her again!”
Shelly Marchetta, Realtor
Real Estate Agents in New Orleans
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 5, 2015
“Shelly Marchetta is the most trustworthy and honest person in the home building business that I have ever worked with. She will work extremely hard for her clients and she is dedicated to customer service that far exceeds her competition. She pays such attention to detail that I can't imagine doing a project without her keen eye. She works hard and values all of her clients. She knows how to make the most out of YOUR dollar. She doesn't carelessly spend someone elses money, and you don't find that in this day and age. I would use Shelly Marchetta for any remodeling project or home building project because I know that I am taken care of.”
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