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- Charting Nature
We offer hundreds of beautifully coordinated botanical prints, audubon bird prints, fish art and nature posters....
Read moreP.O. Box 70344, Springfield, OR 97475 - Fay Jones Day Tile
I am a retired tilemaker turned designer. After years of making handmade tiles, I am now using my tile patterns to...
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Design, fabrication, and concept development for commercial and home furnishings and related art objects.
1102 River Loop One, Eugene, OR 97404 - Therese Misner Contemporary Art
Contemporary abstract art for home or business
Albany, OR 97335 - Sokoloff Glass Studio, LLC
Custom designed art glass for your home and office from glass cabinet knobs, tableware, stemware and wall sconces.
PO Box 203, Sweet Home, OR 97386 - Deian Moore Studio
Deian Moore is an Oregon artist who creates custom, original oil paintings on canvas and panel board, ranging from...
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- a+a Studio
CUSTOM DESIGNED ARTWORK a+a Studio designs custom, client-specific artwork that is thoughtfully integrated into t...
Read more1950 Franklin Blvd. #11, Eugene, OR 97403 - University Of Hawaii2863 Riverwalk loop, Eugene, OR
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- university of oregoneugene, OR
- Jess Brinkerhoff Murals and Artwork
Mural design and Installation Custom Illustration and Art Assets Fine Art Commissions Public Art Calls Graphic...
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