About Us
Fine Art reproduction of both selected European Masters and living artists.
Art Gems is a small reproduction fine art company. We sell framed, museum quality stretched canvas giclée prints of selected European Masters (in stock) and contemporary artists.
Whether you are an individual or an institution, we can provide high quality at the lowest mark-up because we believe that fine art should be affordable and more abundant. It is our goal to promote appreciation for the arts and for living artists.
Institutions such as hotels and others are moving away from imported meaningless wall art which does little more than coordinate with the surrounding décor. The new trend is towards art created by local artists which reflect the spirit of the local community. To this end we also work with selected local artists to photograph, reproduce and frame original works. We can also provide custom frame sizes and styles.
Our prints made from original oils or acrylics are almost identical in look and feel to the original. And of course with a stretched canvas giclée, there is no glass or matting so the look is the closest possible to the original painting.
Our future plans include working with impoverished artists world-wide and donating funds back to support community schools thus bringing even more meaning to “wall decor”.
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Business Details
Business Name
Art Gems
Phone Number
(518) 483-8204
65 Dyke Rd
Malone, NY 12953
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