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Bedding & Bath Dealers in New York

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New York / 50 mi
115 of 1,268 professionals
1,268 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Bedding & Bath Dealers in New York

Bedding & Bath Dealers in New York
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 16, 2018
“Had a master bathroom full remodel done and knew that the lighted mirror/medicine cabinet was going to be the focal point of the bathroom. After searching for weeks on the internet and seeing various models the Aquadom stood out above all the rest including Kohler. It seems that one company would give you a defogger but no interior light another company would give you an interior light, a defoggr but no clock which is something that we really wanted. Lo and behold along comes Aquadom providing every option we were looking for in a beautifully crafted and quality piece. We tried to order through Amazon and various other online retailers only to find it to be a very difficult process. Some of the companies had what we wanted in stock (which they really don't) some said it was going to be 2 months we pretty much gave up although though we really did want this Aquadom product. Last ditch effort I ended up calling the company and speaking to Jim Tenenbaum who provided all the information, specifications and time frame for receiving the product at the same price as the online retailers. I was sold. We are so pleased and highly recommend Aquadom for any of your bathroom mirror or cabinet needs.”
Dolce Mela Bedding
Bedding & Bath Dealers in New York
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 3, 2015
“It is a privilege to be working with a company such as Dolce Mela Bedding. Their professionalism, expertise and the speed at which they get their product out to a colleague/customer is outstanding! They are the most friendly group of people that you would want to work with to get an important project completed on time. We highly recommend their wide array of beautifully designed and high quality products!”
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