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Local Carpenters in San Jose

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San Jose / 50 mi
115 of 315 professionals
315 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Local Carpenters in San Jose
Local Carpenters in San Jose
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsNovember 1, 2013
“When I came up with the idea of replacing two boring and solid doors (and interior and exterior) to let a lot more light into the house from the south side, I asked Oren for advice. He helped me pick out doors, get them, then install them. These doors completely changed the character of the house (to add character) and made the entire living area much cheerier simply by letting in more light. He is an expert in hanging doors and loves to do so, so the project was great.”
Santa Cruz Timber Works
Local Carpenters in San Jose
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 8, 2020
“Jeff is highly skilled, communicates well, works within a budget set by the home owner and has great attention to detail.”
ODC Construction inc.
Local Carpenters in San Jose
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 24, 2015
“I first used ODC for the tile work in the kitchen, bathrooms and entry area at my house. Since then they have done many interior and exterior jobs for me – painting, dry rot repairs, installing electrical and plumbing fixtures. They always do very good work at a reasonable price and figure out cost effective solutions to problems. They finish on schedule and clean up when they are done.”
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