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Deck Builders & Contractors in South Lyon

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South Lyon / 50 mi
115 of 179 professionals
179 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Deck Builders & Contractors in South Lyon

Skyview Detroit
Deck Builders & Contractors in South Lyon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMay 1, 2024
“The entire Skyview Detroit team is professional, talented and customer service oriented. They are able to elevate the comfort and beauty of your outdoor living environment. They listen carefully to their clients wishes and are able to then turn these ideas and thoughts into a beautiful structure. Skyview Detroit’s organization and teamwork makes for a seamless completion of a finished product where every detail has been taken into consideration. You will be impressed by their prompt communication and attention to detail. I would recommend them without hesitation!”
Halm & Perkins, LLC
Deck Builders & Contractors in South Lyon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsNovember 1, 2014
“Halm & Perkins just remodeled our kitchen & 2nd bath (they remodeled our main bath in 2013). They are super courteous, honest & trustworthy! They regularly communicated with us throughout the entire process assuring that the work done met with our expectations, yet within the confines of our budget. They are also extremely creative so they were able to help us determine what would look the best in the end. We are extremely satisfied and thrilled with the end results!”
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