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- SC ConstructionResponds QuicklyOffers Custom Work
SC Construction is a family-owned and operated home improvement company located in Modesto, California. We serv...
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Whether you are in the market for a raised garden or you want to make your backyard a place to entertain or you ar...
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Quality work that you can count on. We are a small family business in Twain harte California. We offer a wide vari...
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HC Custom Patio's owner Jerry Hattaway got his start in the early 80's with the Sears Corporation. He started doin...
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Transform your outdoor space into an oasis with Modesto Deck Solutions' professional deck construction service. Ou...
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- vierra brosoakdale, CA 95361
7 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Deck Building Companies in Twain Harte
Diamond K Woodworks LLC
Deck Building Companies in Twain Harte
“Since I met him, Dustin has been my first choice for furniture, home improvement and anything else crafted from wood! I enjoy that he has a passion for his work and is able to use his skill and creativity to create beautiful products from (my favorite) reclaimed woods. Dustin spends most of his time dedicated to his craft and it shows through his work. I would recommend him to anyone who enjoys the beauty of natural, re-purposed redwoods, oaks, maples... well, just about everything!”
Enertech home services
Deck Building Companies in Twain Harte
“Reliable and courteous, they got the job done well, on time, and on budget. Even when I made a few last minute changes they came through. A easier to work with and I look forward to hiring to them again for my next project.”
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