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Garden & Landscape Supply Companies in Cleveland

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Cleveland / 50 mi
115 of 72 professionals
72 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Garden & Landscape Supply Companies in Cleveland

Earth 'n Wood
Garden & Landscape Supply Companies in Cleveland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsNovember 1, 2014
“Had them deliver 5 yards of super soil. I had asked for a nutrient analysis and the emailed it to me very quickly. The cost was very reasonable and the super soil was very high quality for my gardens.”
Moyer's Nursery & Landscaping
Garden & Landscape Supply Companies in Cleveland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJuly 13, 2014
“I had Moyer's come out and help me with a landscape design for 2015. He gave me so much insight and suggestions. I am unable to do it this year due to the timing of when to trim existing plants and shrubs, So I will be working towards it next season.”
Pinehaven Garden Center and Greenhouses, Inc.
Garden & Landscape Supply Companies in Cleveland
Average rating: 4 out of 5 starsJuly 14, 2013
“Went to garden center looking for a tree for our front yard, west facing front of house. We specifically wanted shade for our house. We were met with extremely helpful service on which tree to pick, how to plant and take care of it. While we were there, I also was inquiring about flowering plants that might grow in a west facing side that gets full, hot all afternoon sun. I have not been successful growing any annuals that I think are pretty for color in front of our house. I had extremely helpful service there as well. The person took my around the greenhouse and showed me many plants that would tolerate the heat. I ruled out ones I had tried previously, but the person came up with something else. We did purchase out tree and some annuals there. So far so good but we have ad record rain so far this summer, so I can't really judge the annuals fairly yet. I was very pleased with the service I received. I would strongly recommend Pinehaven to others.”
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